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NetSuite AW

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Overview

With NetSuite Analytics Warehouse (NetSuite AW), you can broaden the analyses of your NetSuite data beyond what is currently available in SuiteAnalytics Workbook. Analytics Warehouse enables businesses to analyze historical data from multiple sources and determine how to improve their business. When enabled, you can begin transferring your data to the Analytics Warehouse, then blend your NetSuite data with data from other sources, allowing you to analyze it with a wide set of visualizations.

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Overview

Built with ,Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) and Oracle Data Warehouse, NetSuite AW delivers near real-time metrics across the enterprise. The warehouse pulls data in at automated intervals, takes snapshots, and analyzes NetSuite data along with data from other systems. NetSuite AW connects the data sets within Oracle NetSuite ERP (enterprise resource planning) to OAC (Oracle Analytics Cloud) and Oracle Business Intelligence for a truly comprehensive view of your enterprise data.

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Quantity by Period

Supported Functional Areas

Data from your NetSuite account is grouped into functional areas within the Analytics Warehouse. The following five functional areas are currently supported in NetSuite AW:

  • Sales
  • Purchases and Payables
  • Inventory
  • Financials
  • Manufacturing

Sales - the sales functional area contains the following transaction types:

Transaction Type Code Transaction Type Description
CashRfnd Cash Refund
CashSale Cash Sale
Charge Charge
CustAuth Customer Payment Authorization
CustCred Credit Memo
CustDep Customer Deposit
CustInvc Invoice
CustPymt Payment
CustRfnd Customer Refund
DepAppl Deposit Application
Estimate Estimate

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Order Analysis

Transaction Type Code Transaction Type Description
FftReq Fulfillment Request
FinChrg Finance Charge
ItemShip Item Fulfillment
Opprtnty Opportunity
Rfq Request for Quote
RtnAuth Return Authorization
SalesOrd Sales Order
StatChng Statement Charge

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Sales Order Analysis

Purchases and Payables - the purchases and payables functional area contains the following transaction types:

Transaction Type Code Transaction Type Description
BlankOrd Blanket Purchase Order
InbShip Inbound Shipment
ItemRcpt Item Receipt
PurchCon Purchase Contract
PurchOrd Purchase Order
PurchReq Requisition
VendAuth Vendor Return Authorization
VendBill Bill
VendCred Bill Credit
VendPymt Bill Payment
VendRfq Vendor Request for Quote

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Customer Payment Analysis

Inventory - the inventory functional area contains the following transaction types:

Transaction Type Code Transaction Type Description
BinTrnfr Bin Transfer
BinWksht Bin Putaway Worksheet
InvAdjst Inventory Adjustment
InvCount Inventory Count
InvDistr Inventory Distribution
InvReval Inventory Cost Revaluation
InvTrnfr Inventory Transfer
InvWksht Inventory Worksheet
TrnfrOrd Transfer Order

Financials - the financials functional area contains the following transaction types:

Transaction Type Code Transaction Type Description
GLAdj GL Impact Adjustment
Journal Journal
PEJrnl Period End Journal
RevArrng Revenue Arrangement
RevComm Revenue Commitment
RevComRv Revenue Commitment Reversal

Manufacturing - the manufacturing functional area contains the following transaction types:

Transaction Type Code Transaction Type Description
Build Assembly Build
Unbuild Assembly Unbuild
WOClose Work Order Close
WOCompl Work Order Completion
WOIssue Work Order Issue
WorkOrd Work Order

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse is the next step in NetSuite's evolution that provides a fantastic opportunity to leverage existing data in new and exciting ways.


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