Predictive Analytics is using emperically derived models for predicting future outcomes which can be based on known or even unknown events. There are many
techniques employed in Predictive Analytics which
include data mining, statistical analysis, modeling, and even artificial intelligence.
Predictive analytics has been around for a long time, it's a technology that's getting adoption now as it has matured. Organizations are turning to
predictive analytics to increase revenues, manage
expenses, and to maintain a competitive advantage. Big Data has played a big part of this. Growing volumes and types of collected data, made publicly
available has provided the ability to benchmark trends
find anomalies. New software is both interactive and easy-to-use, Predictive analytics is no longer just the domain of data wonks and statistics nerds.
Nowaday's Business analysts and operations subject
matter experts are using these technologies as well.
Companies that need to:
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BOARD provides a seamless software solution for the support, control and management of core processes such as Reporting and Analyses; Budgeting, Planning, Forecasting; Profitability Modeling and Optimization; Simulation and What-if Analysis; Scorecarding; Financial Consolidation; Statutory and Financial Reporting; Monitoring and Auditing.